
By Industry


Arise Security offers a specialized security as a service package for healthcare organizations. Irrespective of size, whether operating as a standalone entity or distributed franchise, our team of dedicated security and IT specialist are waiting to offer and meet all your IT and security needs.

  • Computer devices supply set up and management: we supply all your computer needs, mobile devices for your employees. Our team is responsible for regular remote and onsite maintenance and management of your systems. With a 24/7 online technician we are able to troubleshoot and resolve all your system issues within 2 hours of detection.
  • Outsourced Security and IT Specialist: we work round the clock 24/7 to manage your technical infrastructure (see our suite of threat detection and response service portfolios and our Expert on Demand service offering), implementing security controls commensurate to your risks and business needs. Acting as an extended arm of your organization, we design and develop scalable infrastructure architecture commensurate to your organization size and implement a uniform architecture across multiple locations.
  • Outsource Compliance Specialist: our team of dedicated security and compliance consultants will work hand in hand with our tech teams to manage your compliance certifications including but not limited to HIPAA, HITRUST etc. Partnering with you at any stage, we will ensure you are continuously compliant with the latest regulations leaving you and your team to focus on more critical tasks such as saving lives!


Our specialized security as a service for e-commerce and/or brick and mortar organizations is an all-round security compliance and privacy service designed to proactively mitigate security risks, complying with regulatory standards while continuing to maintain trust in the online shopping ecosystem. The Arise E-Commerce Security as a Service package consist of
PCI DSS Compliance Program Management: irrespective of your organization size, our team of dedicated PCI DSS qualified security assessors and professionals will take over your PCI DSS compliance program. We take the stress of your hands, acting as you in house security compliance team. Irrespective of the size of your organization, your dedicated security and compliance specialist (s) will work with your internal teams and liase with external stakeholders (certifying bodies, acquirers, service providers etc.) to maintain a 24/7 continuous compliance with all applicable PCI DSS standards to your organization.
Vulnerability Management Program: Either subscribing to this as a standalone service or integrating with the Arise Threat Detection and Response Service, our team of security analysts continuously performing vulnerability scans against your critical assets to identify critical vulnerabilities quickly while working with your internal teams for remediation activities. You can select our entire suite of vulnerability management service, select according to your business needs and integrate with the Arise Threat Detection and Response service offerings for a more holistic risk status overview.
Trust and Assurance Roadmap Management Program: We help you develop your roadmap to achieving industry TRUST certifications. Please see our Compliance as a Service suite of offerings. Working to support your long-term business objectives, our team of security and compliance specialists develop a compliance maturity roadmap for your organization using a tailored secure controls framework. Commensurate to your technological assets and underlying technologies. Our approach to compliance is non-traditional, we believe security controls can be implemented differently to suite the organizational culture and business processes. We work with the intent of the controls, commiserate with the underlying risks, your existing technologies and business processes to identify conformance.

What you get

  • Dedicated Team of Security Experts: Always online technical support for more than one single point of contact. One dedicated security consultant to answer all your security questions.
  • 27/4 Security Monitoring and Protection: Fully managed threat detection and remediation for your organization with a guaranteed SLA of less than 2hrs incident escalation and remediation.
  • Resource Optimization: Pay for only what you! Because we understand budgets are limited, our threat detection and response suite service offerings are designed to be cost efficient. While saving you from investing in new technologies, headcounts, training etc., allowing you to focus your limited resources (time, people and money) on running your business.
  • Holistic visibility and representation of your security posture: Get continuous visibility into your security posture at the right time, with continuous recommendations from our lead of security experts translated at all times into your language. The Arise Security Analytics and Executive Support team will help you develop security OKRs and KPIs against your business objectives, provide you a monthly detailed vulnerability and threat report for your key stakeholders.
  • Continuous Compliance: real time continuous compliance with threat detection, vulnerability monitoring and management requirements of all major compliance regulations and standards.