Third Party & Supply Chain Risk Management (TRPM/SCRM)

Security is a Trust Currency and today’s Third-Party Supply Chain is a trusted circle that relies on this currency as an integral part of doing business. Whether you are looking for an expert advice on developing a Third Party & Supply Chain Risk Management Program (TPRM/SCRM) to manage your growing third party providers (suppliers and vendors) with a peace of mind that your data is entrusted  with the right entity or present yourself as a “Trusted entity” likewise, our in-house expert will help guild you along the right path.

Why you should consider a Third Party/Supply Chain Risk Management Program?

Don’t allow yourself to be another headline or wait till your next RFP request for it, contact us today! If you are battling with responding to numerous questionnaires from vendors with no resource and expertise to adequately manage this pipeline, costing you thousands or millions in lost business opportunities, the Arise TPRM program is your answer. Our team designs and executes Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) and Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) programs to help organizations understand and mitigate third-party risk.

Clients who work with us have confidence their vendors and other third parties are handling information security in a manner consistent with their own standards and can prove to current and prospective clients that their sensitive data is safe.

What you get from our tailored Third Party/Supply Chain Risk Management

Outsourced Vendor Security & Compliance Review

We help manage your onboarding process for third party vendors. Our program is designed to enable your business to be successful. Creating assessments workflows and intake processes designed to support the right due diligence commensurate to the vendor’s risk posture as it pertains to your business, risk review and assessment reports with remediation assists and more are all part of the outsourced vendor security and compliance review service offering.

Incoming Vendor Questionnaire Response Management

We help you be and recognized as a “TRUSTED” brand. The results of our TPRM efforts together are simple: proof and peace-of-mind.  You can rest easy knowing your organization can continue to grow and operate in a secure environment and that you can demonstrate this on demand. We manage all your incoming questionnaire and respond to security, compliance and privacy RFPs on your behalf.

Integration with your Overall Risk Program

The results of your TPRM/SCRM program is integrated as part of your overall risk management program and presented as such. You get a monthly report from us with insights, trends covering your topmost critical vendors, risk areas and actionable recommendations.

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